
Taking Breaks from Trading: An Essential Lesson for Futures Traders

Learning to “Rest” and Stay on the Sidelines When Needed

Many traders feel a sense of “guilt” about taking breaks. When they are not holding any positions, they often feel it is a “waste.” In reality, overexerting yourself is a form of “false diligence.” It accomplishes nothing and can sour your mood. Traders should not fear taking a break or staying on the sidelines, as this is an essential part of trading success, one that cannot be skipped. In both trading and life, achieving balance through activity and rest will yield better results.

Once, while traveling by plane, the trip to the airport went smoothly, and I had plenty of time after security before boarding. I found a comfortable café and ordered a bowl of noodles, intending to eat slowly. But soon, I found myself gulping them down quickly, even choking in the process. As I hurriedly reached for water, I asked myself, “Why am I rushing?” I clearly had plenty of time, and even if I finished eating quickly, I would still be waiting. I was on a trip to relax, yet I felt pressured. It was as if someone was constantly urging me on, preventing me from unwinding.

At that moment, a friend called to complain about her trip on a high-speed train. She had splurged on a first-class ticket to get some rest, as she had worked the night shift the day before. However, she couldn’t sleep on the train. It was almost a “business express” with everyone around her in virtual meetings or typing away on laptops. Their “diligence” kept her wide awake, and she eventually pulled out her own computer to start working.

Clearing Your “Background Processes”

Everything has two opposing properties that constantly shift. This dynamic powers the world. Over the years, I’ve conducted various psychological studies on traders and found this to be a common issue. People often talk about the importance of balance, yet many only allow themselves to be in the “active” or “tense” state. Few realize that practicing rest and relaxation is equally necessary. Laozi’s Tao Te Ching, Chapter 25, says, “The great thing follows its course and becomes distant; being distant, it returns.” This means that after expanding to a certain point, everything naturally returns. If you push too hard or are too eager, you will inevitably meet the opposite result and find yourself in pain.

During my research, I found that many traders feel guilty about taking breaks, almost as if it’s wrong to do so. Some even joke, “My funds are like soldiers fighting for me every day.” I once asked a trader, who had been trading nonstop for a long time, “Soldiers need rest too, so when does your army get a break?” He awkwardly scratched his head and replied, “Well, they’re not real people.” But he seemed to forget that he, as their commander, is very much a real person!

This attitude is common. From a young age, we are taught to take pride in hard work and to spend all our time on “productive” activities. Even when our parents took us out to play, they would remind us to “write a good essay about it afterward” or “perform better on the next test.” So, even our fun and relaxation came with a strong sense of purpose. In this state, part of your attention is always on “doing the right thing,” making it hard to fully unwind. It’s like a background program on your phone, constantly consuming resources and slowing everything else down. Over time, this “tension” becomes a habit you aren’t even aware of.

Overexertion and the Illusion of Control

It’s true that this mindset brings some benefits—habits that don’t offer any rewards wouldn’t persist. For instance, when you played as a child while thinking about writing an essay, you may not have had as much fun, but the essay would come easier later. However, everything is cyclical. When tension and anxiety exceed what you can handle, they will overwhelm you and disrupt other parts of your life. This is, in fact, a form of greed. We are too eager to control everything, to make everything happen exactly as we want, and as quickly as possible.

When I first started working out, I prided myself on my “diligence,” working out daily without breaks. But the results weren’t great—in fact, I suffered from injuries. Later, my trainer told me that muscles need time to rest and recover. When you rest, your body is still working to grow and repair itself. Inactivity can be more productive than action.

Don’t Be Afraid to Rest

Don’t fear taking breaks or staying out of the market, as it’s an essential part of success. Overexerting yourself is a form of “false diligence.” It doesn’t accomplish anything productive and will only lead to frustration. If you factor in life experiences and emotional well-being into your profit-and-loss calculations, you’ll find that you’re actually in a loss state. Money is just one expression of energy, but life’s dimensions are much broader. Sometimes, what seems like a financial gain is achieved at the expense of other, more valuable areas of life. This kind of profit is unsustainable.

When you broaden your perspective, you’ll understand yourself better, be more at ease with your decisions, and feel more relaxed. Once you’re comfortable, challenges that once felt overwhelming become smaller, or even insignificant. If you can meet big challenges with minimal energy expenditure, your endurance and resilience will naturally increase.

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